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Table of Contents:
  1. Welcome to HakoDocs!
    1. Why HakoDocs?

Welcome to HakoDocs!

HakoDocs is a public compilation of tech-related notes that address specific problems I’ve encountered throughout my life. You can expect to find How to do \(X\) guides for a variety of topics, primarily related to Linux, programming languages, servers, and more. I started this project as a personal collection of notes, and as I began sharing them with my colleagues, it grew into something more. The same colleagues these notes once helped started contributing to them. I hope you, like them, find something useful within this hako.

leogabac (main contributor)

Disclaimer: Many of the content in these notes is centered around Arch Linux as that is my daily driver distribution.

Why HakoDocs?

For some reason, leogabac (the creator) is obsessed with VTubers, so he tries to include references in all of his projects. In this case, HakoDocs is a wordplay on multiple levels:

  • Since most of these wiki pages are somewhat chaotic to organize, Hako primarily references Hakos Baelz from Hololive English Promise, the embodiment of chaos. The word Docs was added since this project is primarily for documentation.
  • The word hako means box in Japanese, symbolizing that this wiki is a “box” of documentation.
  • It could also be read as Hack o’ Docs, giving it a hacker-esque feel.