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Table of Contents:
  1. Minecraft
    1. Installation
  2. Breaking Bugs
  3. Installing mods


Swedish goodness.


On Arch Linux, you can get the minecraft-launcher official launcher from the AUR.

yay -S minecraft-launcher

Breaking Bugs

Here is a list on workarounds for knwon bugs.

  • Unexpected error when opening the launcher

    As of March 18th 2025, there is a bug in which when opening minecraft-launcher from the AUR, it gives the following error

    Whoops! An unexpected issue occurred; we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please try restarting your Launcher. If that does not resolve the issue, please log a bug report.

    As pointed out by Reddit user SoulCommander12 in r/archlinux, the issue is solved by deleting the directory webcache2/

    rm -r ~/.minecraft/webcache2/

    However, the launcher everytime it is opened it creates a new webcache2/ directory. It will be necessary to delete it everytime you need ot open minecraft. Third party launchers like gdlauncher-bin from the AUR work without issues.

Installing mods

To install mods using fabric, it is necessary to install the modloader. On Linux, the preferred way is to use a third-party launcher like GDLauncher. On Arch Linux, install the package gdlauncher-bin from the AUR and follow their documentation for setting it up.

To use the official minecraft-launcher

  1. Download the universar JAR file
  2. Make sure to have a Java Runtime Environment installed. For Arch Linux, visit the Java Arch Wiki Page
  3. Run the installer
    java -jar <fabric installer>.jar

    After this is done, simply move the mods under ~/.minecraft/mods/